Breakfast with a Senator (MUST DO)

27 Jan

(Senator Klobuchar and me at a “Minnesota Morning“)

If you are traveling to or residing in the DC metro area, you should take advantage of having breakfast with your senators.  Many senators offer a breakfast for their constituents either once a week or periodically throughout the year.  You can usually find the schedule by checking out the senator’s website.  For example, Senator Amy Klobuchar (MN) offers “Minnesota Mornings” “every Thursday morning when Senate is in session,” according to her website.     While, Senator Al Franken (MN) offers his breakfasts every Wednesday (when Senate is in session).   These breakfasts are great to take advantage of not only because they are free, but also because you get to have (hopefully) good food (usually food from your home state), talk to people from your home state, and meet your senators.

One Response to “Breakfast with a Senator (MUST DO)”

  1. Victor Ho January 29, 2012 at 8:12 pm #

    What a wonderful thing that I never knew. I’d have liked to have done that the last time I was in Washington for a meeting. Thanks for visiting my blog. You will find more frequent updates on
    All the best.

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